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Article Three: Elements of Design 101A - Space
Previously we studied form. How many forms did you identify comprising the furniture in your home? I know that understanding form, in this way, will help you decide which style of lamp to buy next time.
By way of a brief recap, the basic Design Elements are: LINE, FORM, SPACE, LIGHT, COLOR and PATTERN & TEXTURE. Today, we're examining the third element, which is space.

One of the most important changes a stager or re-designer can do is to make rooms appear larger and lighter than they actually are through the application of the
Essentials of Design.

In styling a room, decorators and stagers tend to refer to the area or room they are beautifying as a space. They also describe the empty areas that furniture forms, as space. Unlike interior designers and architects, stagers must work on space without “structurally” changing any of the dimensions. No breaking down of walls here. Instead, choosing wall and window coverings carefully, de-cluttering and arranging furniture for optimum visual and traffic flow will all help to create rooms that feel bright, welcoming and spacious.

Did you know that an area rug defines a space? I'll bet, with your wonderful imagination as a kid you knew it. Remember using your mother's throw rug as a boat on the river? That rug defined your own private space. In designing, area rugs suggest the same idea of defining a space on a mature level.
  • Space refers to the area enclosed by a form. The empty space around furniture forms as space. Space has three dimensions - height, length and width. All three are taken into consideration when you're creating space. We don't have the option of physically making the room larger or smaller, but with careful use of color and furniture placement, a room can feel cozy or made to feel more spacious. As with all the elements, the use of space should be balanced throughout the room.

See if you can upgrade your childhood boat to define a private sitting area in your home.

Until next time, happy Home Staging and Styling.
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